- NUMmill
- Smart Factory
- NUMspecial
- NUMcut
- NUMgear
- NUMtransfer
- NUMhsc
- NUMwood
- NUMgrind
- NUMmillturn
- NUMretrofit
- Broach machine
- Profiling machine
- 光束加工中心
- 加工中心
- 工具磨床
- 折弯机
- 插齿机
- 旋切机
- 旋压车床(机床)
- 无心磨床
- 曲轴磨床
- 水刀切割机床
- 测量机
- 滚子磨床
- 滚子铣床
- 滚子链铣床
- 滚齿机
- 激光切割机床
- 激光焊接机床
- 焊接机
- 焊接系统
- 石材切割机
- 研究
- 磨床
- 磨齿机床
- 等离子切割机床
- 自动生产线机床
- 螺纹滚压机床
- 车床(车削中心)
- 轮廓加工机床
- 进刀装置
- 钢材加工中心
- 铆接机
- 铣床
- 鞋楦铣床
SINICO a qualified partner for NUM
64 axes built by CML 64 axes controlled by NUM
Wind turbine gear production accelerated by CNC refurbishment of gear shaper
Special equipment for machining stone, ceramic and concrete built to ”Swiss Label” quality standards
Only 10 minutes lifetime - several weeks of production time
The peak of shaping, engraving, sawing, polishing & turning
CNC control upgrade of a floor-type mill
NUMROTO at core of Unimerco’s seamless global tool manufacturing operation
Water jet cutting, a technology on the rise
Making the old as good as new – thanks to retrofitting. Increasing the efficiency of an underfloor wheel…
American Successes - NUM Corporation enjoys considerable success in the North American market. Here we take a…
Advanced CNC simulation software helps to produce an innovative new range of twist drills
Powerful CNC platform provides economic solution for twin-head steel cutter
50 years of experience and the courage to further strengthen the company
Witech’s partnership with NUM is crucial in these fast-moving times
Kennametal: Congratulations on the 100th machine using NUM!
Production Research: Highest dynamics and precision in series production
Production of spiral bevel gears with a CNC hypoid automatic hobbing machine and NUMgear
NUMgear success in the UK: Retrofit as key to profit
High-quality and flexibility: the key to success in tool grinding
SMP celebrates its 60th anniversary and twenty years of collaboration with NUM
IMA intensifies collaboration with NUM
Flexibility for high-quality watches and implants
Precision, productivity and profit: NUMtransfer at Griesser & Kunzmann GmbH & Co. KG
Meccanica Ponte Chiese: Top performance and flexibility
A unique measuring system in the aviation industry
Strength and intelligence: Sander transfer systems
Wirth et Gruffat: Rotary-transfer machines with NUM
Optica 2 and NUM: Intuitive programming for lathes
Efficient profile machining of aluminum and extruded profiles
Reduce machining time by half