NUM and Yuhuan as Partner - First Vertical Total Solution for Non-Circular Grinding
NUM and Yuhuan enter into a partnership, and the result is nothing less than one of the most modern, universally applicable, CNC-controlled high-precision vertical grinding machines in the world.

It is not always easy to enter into a new partnership. After all, this kind of cooperation requires trust above all else. Trust in one’s own competence and that of the other.
NUM was known to the machine manufacturer Yuhuan at the latest since the CIMT 2019 (China International Machine tool exhibition). It also had heard about a NUM total solution for non-circular grinding.
Yuhuan CNC Machine Tool Co., Ltd. is a national key company with its own technology research centers based in Changsha and an internationally renowned manufacturer of high-precision CNC machines. It was founded in 2004 and has since received numerous national and international awards.
Project: High Precision CNC Universal Vertical Grinding Machine
With the two companies now familiar with each other and having decided to team up, they were faced with the challenges ahead. A total solution for vertical grinding machines was needed for the project, and all the software had to be changed from horizontal to vertical.
In this context, we asked the NTC (NUM Technology Center) China Manager Longwei Jiang about potential competitors: “Yes, we had well-known competitors for this project. The reason we have won is our total solution with the NUMgrind software. Yuhuan does not need to develop the software itself, and this also means that they are able to launch the product quickly. Apart from a delivery time of more than a year, also the support from the well-known competitor for Yuhuan is less effective.”
What NUM was ultimately able to bring into the project was fully functionally integrated software based on Flexium+. This system is also suitable for larger drives, for larger motors, and also open for third-party motors, especially large linear motors.
In addition, NUM supported Yuhuan with engineering services during the development phase so that the project schedule was not jeopardized.
NUM Support
As with all projects of this type, continuous support and monitoring play a significant role. In this case, NUM is providing support for non-circular grinding, internal and external cylindrical grinding, flat grinding, in process measurement, and shaping of grinding wheels.
The result of the collaboration of NUM and Yuhuan is the YHJMKG2880, a high-precision CNC universal vertical grinding machine. It is designed for processing products with high standards of precision and surface quality. The target markets are plant engineering, the mechanical processing industry, and the high-precision machining industry. The grinding machine can machine inner and outer contours, as well as internal bores, outer circles, end faces, etc., of discs, rings, and sleeves, together in one setup.

(September 2023)